Busy Beaver
Extended Day Program Inc

Busy Beaver is a full day multi-age program. We consider ourselves an extension of your home-a partnership in providing for and meeting the needs of your child. Together we can make a child's first school experience a positive one.

We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 day sessions per week. Arrival is between 7:30-9:00 AM, we also have three dismissal times:

Program Schedules
Infant and Toddler programs run though the entire year.
Preschool starts in September and goes until June.
Summer is July and August.

Educational Objectives
Every child learns at his/her own pace. It is essential to recognize individual differences, talents and learning styles. Our team of creative & caring teachers will work together to meet the needs of each child.
Learn More

Find out more about our program, call for availability, a tour or pricing.

We offer water play, arts & crafts, music, nature awareness, baking, and learning circle to enforce skills we have learned.